This past weekend, our family was grocery shopping. At Target, my mom and I browse the baby section, like we do on every trip. We decide that Kylie needs some new little outfit, like we do nearly every week. This time, it was some raincoats that caught our eyes. After choosing, we narrowed it down to two: a pink on with white polka dots or a classic but cute solid yellow one. We couldn't decide ourselves, so I went over to where Kylie was playing with one of those shopping carts that have the fun little area for kids in the front.
First, we asked her which one she liked better, as always. She didn't really pay much attention, so I dressed her in the pink one. We saw her in it, and as I started to take it off, she resisted just a bit. Then we put the yellow one on her. My mom and I agreed that the yellow one would be easier to match with pants, demonstrated quite obviously by the fact that the polka dots clashed with her cheetah print pants. We took it off of her, put it in the shopping cart, and started taking the other one back. The whole time, though, Kylie had been eyeing and grabbing at the pink one.
At this point, Kylie is starting to fidget a lot more. She chased after mommy and clawed the air for the pink one. Laughing, my mom took the two and held them both at Kylie's eye level. I held her back until my mom had them even. When I let her go, she flew straight for the pink coat and practically tackle-hugged it. She carried it back to me and made the motion that asked me to put it on her. Take account of the fact that the day was very hot, and the rest of us were sweating in our short-sleeved shirts.
At the cash register, Kylie still refused to take off her new raincoat. The little fashionista finally relented when we left the protection of AC inside the building for the egg frying heat of the sun. When I was a toddler, I never chose my own clothes out shopping. Even now, shopping isn't something I enjoy. Kylie, however, has made it very clear very early on that we will not be the ones choosing her outfits in the future.
This is the jacket (much cuter in person, though)
Awww! Your sister is adorable. I'm glad she got the raincoat she wanted.